Thursday, January 26, 2012


So I guess I was a little surprised after meeting all of my professors this week. None of them were there to go through the motions. They were all their to teach and for me to learn. Maybe I'm just excited because they can all speak english. But old guys who go out of their way to learn your name before you come to class, and then don't lecture but teach. Pretty cool.

I also found it interesting how much writing I would be doing over here.

International Finance Prof.
(Doesn't like equations. Wants us to learn the stock market. All he seems to really care about.)

History of U.S. Foreign Policy Prof
(Need a topic for an 18 page paper. Suggestions welcome)

European Economy Prof
(Get to write a 10 page paper on the economy of Norway. Should be interesting as I know nothing about Norway.)

I'm also taking a Belgian Culture class. Which talks about how screwed up Belgium is. Here is a great link for anyone that knows nothing about Belgium. 

Also taking a French 101 course. Imagine a skinny little french dude with tight pants, kinda balding, a steve jobs black turtleneck, that sounds as if he has a horrible sinus infection. Yep thats him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard, Blair read this post to me while I was cooking and all I could think was, "is he planning to return after talking shit about his UW profs?" I'm trying not to comment on every post so I don't sound like my crazy new Russian BFF that keeps inserting off the point comments on my blog.
